Tuesday, December 26, 2006

sleep all day!!^^

what a day of sleep!! i had a sleeping mania!! waah!!

i woke up late this morning.. and because of that i had a severe headache.. curse you sleep!! waah.. but.. without sleep.. how can we live in this world?!?^^

i had brunch 20 minutes after i woke up.. then after that.. since mom didn't want us to use the computer or the PS2 right after waking up.. i looked for something to do while waiting.. and that something was cleaning!! yep! you got it.. cleaning..

well.. the cleaning help me kill some time..^^

it was PS2 time!!! Eragon!! yey!! i've become a fan of that game.. i wonder who else plays it...??^^ anyway.. before we played Eragon.. we played this game called "Gran Turismo".. it's a racing type of game.. it's also cool..

the first time i played it.. well.. it was so embarrassing.. i always bumped the car everywhere.. well.. forgive me for being a rookie at racing!!^^ ehe.. ehe.. ehe..^^

when we got tired of that racing game.. we switched to Eragon!! yey!! whoot!! whoot!! go Eragon!! go Eragon!! yey!!

i gotta stop that..^^

anyway.. we started off with level one again because my sister wanted to play that part again.. so much time wasted!!! we ended the game up to Duzra's Forest again.. aaahh!! when will i ever finish this game!! and then play it all over again..^^

i went to sleep after lunch.. it was a looooong sleep.. i guess i slept by 1:00 or 2:00 PM and then woke up by 6:00 PM.. sleep!! wahh!! headaches wahh!!


sleep + relaxation = headaches

cheese!!! games!!! Eragon!!! headaches!! wah!!

-kashi- now signing off!! 'til my next post!!^^

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